Testing for Composites
Expert composites testing services are critical for advancing composite technology and maintaining a competitive edge in an industry that is rapidly expanding.
Throughout the composites supply chain and product life cycle, composites testing is critical. There are a variety of issues in terms of safety, quality, process control, regulatory compliance, and performance. Whether you’re a base chemical supplier, an additive supplier, a fibre maker, or an end user, overcoming these obstacles can help you gain a competitive advantage.
Services for Composite Development:
Our composite experts provide essential insight into your material’s characteristics, formulation, and production methods, with an emphasis on optimisation of material performance, across industry applications such as wind turbines, vehicles, aircraft, and civil structures. We also have expertise in testing sophisticated composites, such as discontinuous and continuous composites, polymer matrix composites, and components.
Characterization of Composite Materials:
A wide range of test capabilities, materials processing, and regulatory compliance determination are all part of our composite characterization services.
Mechanical, physical, electrical, optical, thermal, flammability, exposure, emissions, barrier, surface, and chemical tests can be used to determine the properties of your raw materials (such as resins, films, adhesives, fillers, and prepreg) or laminates (thermoset composites and thermoplastic composites). Toughness, hardness, crack resistance, strength, cure, flame resistance, heat resistance, temperature limit, impact strength, viscoelasticity, ductility, tensile stress, compressive stress, and shear stress are some of the attributes we test for.
Applications in the Composites Industry:
When it comes to strength-to-weight ratios in automotive, aerospace, rail, construction, and medical applications, continuous fibre reinforced polymers are unrivalled.
Our scientists can provide you with the accurate characterization you need to move forward with product development, assure regulatory compliance, and launch target applications successfully.
Quality Control and Certification for Composites:
Composite material analysis and testing are required by primes, OEMs, and material manufacturers to meet strict quality standards for applications in aerospace, automotive, medical, and other industries. Many industry and customer-specific quality certifications, including ISO, are held by Sanray.
Our advanced composites and components testing knowledge will provide your company with the information it needs to accelerate and support composites development programmes, as well as create a robust profile of the quality and performance of your materials, ensuring that your products and materials maintain and advance their competitive advantage.
NDT and Composite Development Support:
Through Non-Destructive Testing, our scientists help to optimise cure times, measure and compare materials, and provide insight into common processing concerns such as voids and delamination during development (NDT). A-scan, B-scan, C-scan, and Time of Flight Diffraction scans for composite panels up to 13mm thickness are among Sanray’s Non-Destructive Testing services. Flaw Detection and Internal Failure Modes are two features of composites that they can help with.